Women are amazing. Women over 40 are amazing and then some.  
This personal project is showcasing 40 incredible women all over the age of 40 who are doing incredible things for womankind.
I am photographing women who inspire me, many of whom are speaking up for the issues we face.  There is a strong focus on those who are shining a light on midlife and the menopause, making this word less of a taboo and guiding other women through this turbulent time.  But there are many more equally amazing women being photographed too.
I want people to see a set of beautiful, strong women and feel inspired.  I want young girls to see the photos and get excited about their futures, but mostly I want to say thank you to these women who are showing the world every single day that being over 40 really is just the beginning of something incredible. 
I will be updating the 40 OVER 40 page as I go along so don't forget to check in every so often to see who's next to be featured. I will also be posting on my instagram pages @jennysmithphoto and @dearhormones as well as Jenny Smith Photography on Facebook. 

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